Monday, November 23, 2009


I know it has been forever since I've posted. But I've been busy. It's been an interesting last few months. Here's the update:

First, sad news. My puppy Balto (who wasn't really a "puppy" at all, as he was 14) had to be put down last month. It was really sad because a) it was kinda unexpected as I was told it would not happen when it did and b) Balto is the ONLY dog I have really ever liked. It's really strange when something you are so close to for long just...disappears. But everything is okay now. Life goes on...

Second, I started a new job after my old one stopped paying me. It's a long story...but suffice it to say I'm really glad it's over. My new job is at a tutoring center two blocks from my house. Right now I'm tutoring a 2nd grader in reading and math and a high school student in geometry. Both are quite an adventure. The 2nd grader is named Berdy and he is soooo A.D.D. He does not merely walk, he bounces. And he is ALWAYS needing to do something that is NOT the work at hand. Our usual conversations go like this:

Me: Berdy please stop jumping and let's do your addition.
Berdy: But Ms. Heather my belt is too tight. *then he makes an irritating guttural sound*
Me: loosen it. Then we have to work.
(5 minutes later)
Me: Berdy please stop throwing thing and do your work!
Berdy: *more irritating guttural sounds* But...there are ants in my shoes! I have to take them off!
Me: (pretty sure there are no ants in his shoes) Berdy! Seriously...sit down and do this!
(5 minutes later)
Berdy: My neck hurts!
(5 minutes later)
Berdy: My stomach hurts!
(5 minutes later)
Berdy: My tooth hurts!
(This goes on for ONE HOUR and then I happily hand him to his father and go home and take an aspirin)

My geometry student is much more fun. She actually WANTS to be that's a relief. And she is really smart too, so that makes things easier. The only thing that is hard? I'm not the best at geometry. But I somehow make it through our lessons and she doesn't seem to know I haven't a I won't be the one to tell her!

In other news-I am baking a vegan/gluten free cake tomorrow. I'm excited about it. I'll post pictures.

Other than life is kinda boring these days. But in a good, relaxing way. The only thing on the horizon is my Peace Corps interview on Dec 10 at 2pm. I guess we'll see how things go!