Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Where Have All the Good Men Gone?

It’s so funny going from Hillsdale boys to New York City boys. Hillsdale boys won’t make eye contact to make sure you won’t get “the wrong idea.” New York City boys get you drunk and then try to usher you to their apartments—where they hope you have the “wrong idea”…if you know what I mean. Hillsdale boys open doors for you. New York City boys steal your cabs. Hillsdale boys play Ultimate Frisbee. New York City boys don’t even lift things—they have “bad back problems in their family”…”its preventative.” Hillsdale boys swing dance. New York City boys want lap dances.

Last night I went on a date with a guy named Richard. He took me to the Guggenheim and out for “a glass of wine” afterward. Which turned into “just a few” martinis. Richard is from England and flies back and forth from London “all the time…first class.” Aren’t we all impressed? After insulting America, being an ass to our waitress, and talking about himself the whole night he had the nerve to invite me to his hotel room. Even though it was a thoroughly romantic offer, I regretfully had to decline. You see, I had work the next day and he had an early flight out of JFK.

“That doesn’t matter,” he said trying to go in for a kiss.

He’s lucky I didn’t smack him.

Where have all the good men gone? Is there no happy medium? Do they have to be slime balls or completely socially awkward?

Friday, November 21, 2008

Here's a toast to Coach, mid-day drinks and nOir!

So…I’m thinking about buying myself a Coach bag. Here’s the link, tell me what you think:


I’m thinking I like the purple.


On a less happy note, my best friend in the office got laid off on Monday. I’m going to be so depressed when she leaves next week. It’s going to be so lonely! Today we went to get manicures over lunch and then went to Bryant Park and had a glass of wine. I’m going to miss that…

Yesterday during lunch I went to the nOir sample sale which was amazing. Two of my work friends came too and we all ended up buying the same ring. I actually bough two rings and I will post pictures soon.

I guess that’s all I have to say! I’ll update more this weekend. It should be low key…hopefully.

Friday, November 14, 2008

And Life Goes On...

I just bought myself a ticket to the Metropolitan Opera to see Madame Butterfly. I loved La Boheme when I went with Katie and Judith in Chicago and I read a review in the Times and they said this production is beautiful, so I’m really excited and have high expectations. I love Puccini. What has Hillsdale done to me?

In other news, my dad came to visit me last night. We had sushi at a Japanese restaurant (that wasn’t that expensive!) and then I showed him my new apartment. He kept saying, “I’m so proud of you.” I haven’t told him I’m leaving yet, and apparently my mom has stayed mum. That’s going to be a bit difficult. He kept saying things like, “you’re a role model to your sister” and “you’ve really done good, kid.” Oh and…”you’re really lucky, people would kill for this opportunity.” That was my favorite. I kept saying things like, “I don’t want to be a role model” and “yeah, New York is great but I can’t live here very much longer.” He didn’t get the hint. I really hope I don’t disappoint him too much.

I’m having a house warming party on Saturday. And none of my friends can make it. Which isn’t surprising because a) most people have plans three weekends in advance, b) most of my friends are in the DC area and traveling is a lot of trouble and money and c) my apartment is sort of off the beaten track all the way in Brooklyn. So all these things combined makes it mostly my roommate’s party. And I’m still helping to pay for the booze. Which, is my fault entirely, as I always have to be liked, etc and told her I didn’t mind. I will be getting very, VERY drunk on Saturday night. I have to drink my half all by myself.

On a more cheerful note, Megan, Erin and Tessa are coming to spend Thanksgiving with me. I am so excited I can’t even handle it. We have a plan that is going to be VERY interesting. If you need specifics I can tell you individually. Suffice it to say, we will all be changed women when it is over. And sore most likely.

For my birthday my office bought me a “Sex in the City” cupcake that was completely pink with green frosting. It was fantastic. And I also went out for lunch with some co-workers and got Sushi at a karaoke restaurant. So we got our own little karaoke room. No singing, but plenty of laughing. It was a good time. Not perfect, but an adequately good time.

I’m 23 now. Damn, I’m old.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


When I was younger I was always angry because I never felt like God spoke to me.

Now, he won’t stop talking in a loud, very incessant voice.

Maybe I just wasn’t listening before? Or maybe I just wasn’t ready? I don’t know. But I know one thing—I can hear him now. Loud and clear.

And that is the BEST birthday present, ever.

Monday, November 10, 2008

A Big Announcement

Too tired to clean, return phone calls, or get my lunch ready for Monday, I slumped down to watch Garden State last night after a long day of laundry, exercise and Church. I love Garden State. I cry every time Largeman comes back for Sam. Every time. Anyway, Largeman says something in the movie that made more sense to me now that I’ve permanently moved away from home. And its a scene that I’d never really thought about after all these years of watching and analyzing that movie.

You know the part when they all go swimming in their underwear (which as I learned after watching the special features, was EXTREMELY cold and Zach Braff screams like a girl) and then Sam and Large kind of bond in the shallow end once every one sees his less than par swimming technique? He gets to talking about the concept of home and how there is a moment when you stop seeing home as the place where you grew up. You go to that place and, while it’s comforting, it’s not home. Because the place you grew up changes. Rooms change. The people in those rooms change. It’s like you’re homesick for a place that doesn’t exist.

I remember when I was a kid how much I hated being told what to do. I wanted to stay up for the news. I couldn’t stand setting the table (especially being the unhappy sucker who had to put out ALL the utensils—because everyone knows that’s the hard part). It was a hard life—being a kid. And as much as I don’t want to go back—part of me is screaming, WHERE IS MY MOMMY? And, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN NEW YORK CITY?!? It’s scary. It's smelly. People are rude. I am not comfortable. And I am not at home.

But then I think about it. Will I really feel at home anywhere right now? Isn’t this the time in my life when the growing pains are the most acute? I’m out from under the umbrella, walking in the world alone for the first time without protection. Did I expect this to be pleasant at first? I guess until I can build my own umbrella, I’ll be feeling the rain, right?

This isn’t to say that I don’t love New York. I do. I love the city, I love the energy and I really love being able to go to the original Marc Jacobs boutique. And my job is pretty great. I just don’t think this is going to be where I settle down. I don’t feel at peace here. There is too much activity. Too much competition.

So I’m making an announcement. I’ve decided that I’m going to give this job a year. So next July, I’ll give my 30-days notice. Until then, I’m going to research jobs in Europe and hopefully live there for a while. Eventually, though, I want to end up back in Florida. I really think that’s where I’m supposed to settle down. I don’t know what I’ll do, or if I’ll even stay in the magazine business. I actually don’t think I will. I’m learning a lot about myself in New York and one thing I know I don’t respond well to is stress. And this city is the capitol of stress. And media is a stressful business. Extremely stressful. I don’t want millions of dollars on my head. I mean, I wouldn’t mind millions of dollars, I just don’t want to be responsible for someone else’s millions of dollars. All of that to say—I think I just want a job that isn’t in an office, doesn’t make my stomach do flip flops, and gives me a sense of purpose.

Oh yeah, and I want to wear flip flops.

Is that too much to ask?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Tropics?

I’m going to take a moment to collect my thought and breath…

There, that’s better.

I finished putting together my first ever sales presentation deck today. It’s been an adventure. And pretty stressful.

Besides that I have nothing to report except for the fact that my mother came to visit me last weekend. I love my mom. It was so nice to be taken care of for a while. We went shopping for groceries, went to Target to look for things I need for the apartment, went and saw her friend in the New York Marathon (which was amazing), and checked out quite a few fun restaurants in my new neighborhood. One is a falafel place with falafel sandwiches for 3 dollars! We also found a sushi place with really good Philadelphia rolls for 3.50. I bought Uggs and also looked at some dresses in Lord and Taylor. It made me want a raise.

Also, I found out that my dad is coming to New York next week for a sales meeting and he’s going to take me out to dinner. I’m looking for somewhere expensive….

Tomorrow I’m having a frittata for breakfast for a co-workers birthday. I know because I ordered them…and I’m kind of excited. They looked really delicious in the brochure.

Besides that—nothing that exciting to report. Life is pretty monotonous and mostly stressful. I think when I decide to leave New York I’m going to go somewhere very tropical. Yeah…somewhere with palm trees and the sound of the waves. Wait…isn’t that where I started? Maybe forward motion isn’t the best motion after all.