Saturday, April 25, 2009

Still in the Wild West

I'm sitting in a Greek Orthodox coffee shop with Megan trying to write a letter to my boss telling her I'm leaving New York. I'm also sipping on a chai tea latte that is divine. And I can see a mountain out of the window.

It's a happy day.

Earlier we went to Megan's cake decorating class and while they learned about the "shell" technique and made scary looking clowns, I stole some of the icing and made a bird's nest. The instructor laughed and said it was "good" in a very condenscending voice. After that we had AMAZING Indian food and went on a beautiful drive through the mountains. We made a pitstop in Manitou Springs and drank from some of the natural springs and one of them was naturally carbonated and I thought that was pretty amazing. And that leaves us where we sit now...laptops out in a manor oddly reminiscent of our time at The Gathering in Hillsdale.

Tonight we're getting sushi and going to a "club." This should be interesting.

Love to all!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

In the Wild West

I am sitting in Arianna's living room and taking a moment from our busy day of sun-bathing (it's AMAZING outside today!) and taking the kids to the park to post! It's so beautiful here and the exact opposite of New York. It took me a while to adjust to the altitude, but I'm starting the feel great and the time away from my desk is just what I needed. It's great to remember there is life outside the office. And Brooklyn. And Zach and Gabey are adorable. I'll post pictures soon. We're going to go and get some ice cream and watch a chick flick adios!!

Love to all!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A Post in Pictures

First, here is my nephew. Is he not the CUTEST? I'm really excited to be spending time with him this summer.

(And notice the Yankees bib I gave him...)

Second, I saw this on post secret and thought it was amazing:
I agree 100%.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My Bucket List

After a conversation with Tiffany this morning about how utterly ancient we're all getting and how the years seem to be whizzing by, we decided that we should write a bucket list. For those of you who are unfamiliar with that term (and who failed to see that terrible movie made a few years back) a "bucket list" is simply a list of things you want to accomplish before you kick the bucket. What do you want to experience? What do you want to listen to, take in, fight for and just enjoy before the end? After a few minutes consideration, here are a few of mine:

1) I want to visit Sicily and swim in the Mediterranean.
2) I want to run a 10k
3) I absolutely must fall in love.
4) I want to plant an herb garden.
5) I want to write a novel.
6) I want to volunteer with the UNHCR.
7) I want to really learn to surf.
8) I want to study holistic nutrition and vegan cooking from a real person who knows what she/he is doing. My cookbooks can only go so far.
9) I want to get my masters. Probably in Anthropology or International Studies.
10) I want to be joyful in all things.

What would be on your list?

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Embarrassment of Laziness

Countdown until I leave New York: 55 days

I think something might be wrong with me.

This weekend I did absolutely NOTHING. Well…besides make vegan pumpkin spice/banana pancakes and then clean up after them…and it took real hunger to get me out of bed. I had no motivation to do anything at all: I finished a book in bed, watched a Netflix movie in bed (Vicky Christina Barcelona…which is AMAZING) and slept…in bed. All weekend. I wish I could say I was feeling sick…but I was feeling fine. I had all these plans! I was going to do all my laundry, go running, start packing and above all get some sun! But I couldn’t wake up until 1pm each day and by Sunday I was just like, screw it! I’m going to wallow in this. And I did. It was a perfectly delicious lazy weekend. But I still feel guilty for the lack of productivity.

So that was my weekend. Extremely boring. And extremely good.