Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My Bucket List

After a conversation with Tiffany this morning about how utterly ancient we're all getting and how the years seem to be whizzing by, we decided that we should write a bucket list. For those of you who are unfamiliar with that term (and who failed to see that terrible movie made a few years back) a "bucket list" is simply a list of things you want to accomplish before you kick the bucket. What do you want to experience? What do you want to listen to, take in, fight for and just enjoy before the end? After a few minutes consideration, here are a few of mine:

1) I want to visit Sicily and swim in the Mediterranean.
2) I want to run a 10k
3) I absolutely must fall in love.
4) I want to plant an herb garden.
5) I want to write a novel.
6) I want to volunteer with the UNHCR.
7) I want to really learn to surf.
8) I want to study holistic nutrition and vegan cooking from a real person who knows what she/he is doing. My cookbooks can only go so far.
9) I want to get my masters. Probably in Anthropology or International Studies.
10) I want to be joyful in all things.

What would be on your list?


Anonymous said...

wow I don't know if I could come up with things so quickly...what's the UNHCR?

yeah, vegan cooking done right seems like it would take some serious study.

Jessica Holmes said...

what made the movie so terrible? I thought it was pretty well done...not terribly attractive since you're following around old dying men, but well done nonetheless...

Thalasas Nymphe said...

I'll think about that list...Laura and I have also been talking about that recently. Ah, dreams.

BTW, I can't believe I forgot to bookmark your blog when it went private. I have completely missed...however many posts you've written since then. Expect some back-comments.

heather said...

Yay! Comments!

Lynn--UNHCR is the UN agency in charge of refugee placement. You can find out more about them here:

Jess--is WAS a terrible movie. It might have been my mood while I watched it though...but I remember strangely disliking it...

Katie--hahaha...I love all your late comments...