Monday, April 6, 2009

The Embarrassment of Laziness

Countdown until I leave New York: 55 days

I think something might be wrong with me.

This weekend I did absolutely NOTHING. Well…besides make vegan pumpkin spice/banana pancakes and then clean up after them…and it took real hunger to get me out of bed. I had no motivation to do anything at all: I finished a book in bed, watched a Netflix movie in bed (Vicky Christina Barcelona…which is AMAZING) and slept…in bed. All weekend. I wish I could say I was feeling sick…but I was feeling fine. I had all these plans! I was going to do all my laundry, go running, start packing and above all get some sun! But I couldn’t wake up until 1pm each day and by Sunday I was just like, screw it! I’m going to wallow in this. And I did. It was a perfectly delicious lazy weekend. But I still feel guilty for the lack of productivity.

So that was my weekend. Extremely boring. And extremely good.


Emily J said...

Hmm. Okay.

Anonymous said...

hahaha that's pretty funny! way to go laziness; I'm looking forward to the day I can not set my alarm clock...*sigh* ;)

Jessica Holmes said...

hahah you are amazing. I would've died if it had been me!

I always feel guilty for being lazy too. But at least it's nice for the moment :-p

Arianna said...

That was ah-mazing. It was all I could do to hold in the laughter. If there were a throne for Queen of Foot-in-Mouth it would be yours for life. ;)

And good for you for being lazy. Once you get married and have children it won't happen again until you can ship the little buggers off to college.

I CAN'T WAIT FOR 4/21!!!!! Agh!!!!!

Thalasas Nymphe said...

I am your comrade in laziness. Today I was going to go down to Georgetown and look at a 50% off vintage jewelry sale...but it was raining, so instead I decided to go to the store and buy groceries and then sit in my room all day and eat them.