Friday, November 21, 2008

Here's a toast to Coach, mid-day drinks and nOir!

So…I’m thinking about buying myself a Coach bag. Here’s the link, tell me what you think:

I’m thinking I like the purple.


On a less happy note, my best friend in the office got laid off on Monday. I’m going to be so depressed when she leaves next week. It’s going to be so lonely! Today we went to get manicures over lunch and then went to Bryant Park and had a glass of wine. I’m going to miss that…

Yesterday during lunch I went to the nOir sample sale which was amazing. Two of my work friends came too and we all ended up buying the same ring. I actually bough two rings and I will post pictures soon.

I guess that’s all I have to say! I’ll update more this weekend. It should be low key…hopefully.


Jessica Holmes said...

I'm a fan of the purple bag. Especially since it is purple. It would look good with my purple coat, so you should let me borrow it some time so I can pretend I'm put together :-p

Also...I really want to see your rings!

Tiffany said...

I saw this purse in a Coach store in Korea and totally loved it!! They also had some beautiful wallets that I would buy if I was not a poor teacher :)I have been looking for one and Coach has the best.
Purple is a really in color for bags this year, at least over here. What about in New York?
Good luck with your bag shopping!!

Thalasas Nymphe said...

Hmm...the bag is definitely more you than me, but it is definitely beautiful!

Something else that I didn't think was "me" until recently was cocktail rings. But I tried one on recently and LOVED it. I was tempted by one I saw in the sale section of the Anthropologie website.