Monday, May 4, 2009

Freedom!! Sort of...

I just let my boss know that I’m leaving New York at the end of the month. And it was significantly less stressful than I thought it would be! She said “bummer” a lot, but she was largely understanding--which was such a relief! She was seriously an amazing boss and I’ll really miss her (but not her expense reports so much).

So now that my boss knows, everyone is informed. My roommate was going to kick me out this month anyway, so that worked out. So I guess this makes my exodus a reality! It’s actually going to happen and I’m actually going to be home at the end of the month. Hallelujah.

In other, more unfortunate news--I’m not sure if I can go to Mexico. I (and my parents…mostly my parents) feel like it’s too dangerous. And as much as I want adventure, I don’t know if this is the right time with all the flu stuff and the drug cartel stuff going on. And honestly, I need some “me” time. I just need to find some mindless job that doesn’t involve a computer and hang on the beach and focus on my spiritual and physical health. And I’m really excited about being around my parents. My mom and dad are two of my best friends and I really miss them. I also miss Sarah and her antics…

So…that’s the Heather update for now. I’ll keep you posted on how things turn out!



Emily J said...

Hey, Heather!

1. Are you still coming to DC in 2 weeks minus a couple days?

2. I can't believe the time is going by so quickly! You must be so excited to be leaving soon. But I'm sad that I won't get another chance to come visit you in NYC. :-(

3. I've been praying for you a lot lately. Everything will work out!

4. I loooove youuu!

Anonymous said...

congrats on the sense of *freedom*! I had been thinking of you with all this flu stuff on the news. They're going crazy here and we're still a few hours north of Mexico!

Anna said...

Hooray! Quitting a job is always so liberating... at least I think so