Friday, September 12, 2008

An Update of Epic Proportions...or as epic as I can get at 4 in the afternoon...

I’m so sorry for my appalling lapse of posting in the last few weeks. Remember all those posts about how my job is sort of boring? Well—the Emmys have made that NOT the case anymore. Combine that with my search for a new apartment—and I barely have time to scarf down the pathetic excuse for sustenance I pack for myself every night. Which is probably a good thing because my boobs are a little big for my dress (which I will be posting a picture of soon—my dress—not my boobs.)

In other news—I think I might have found an apartment. It’s in Williamsburg and it has a fantastic roof/porch/thing. I’m going to look at it on Sunday, so we’ll see. I’ll keep you posted.

I don’t think I ever posted about my trip home to Florida. Man, it’s been a while, hasn’t it? Well, I got my hair chopped off. And I mean CHOPPED OFF. It’s short, people. Not Victoria Beckham at the Marc Jacob’s show short—more like Jennifer Hudson at the Sex and the City premier short. Pictures to come. I also ate SO much. Mom and Dad had EVERY kind of food I could ever want, and I ate it ALL. It was so nice to see them and Sarah. I can’t wait until they come up in October.

I’m trying to think of what else to say. I feel like I’m on autopilot a little bit right now. I work all day. I eat, workout, and sleep at night. Then I get up and do it again until the weekend. But honestly, I’m starting to really like my job. All the nuisances of marketing are starting to make sense and I’m getting the publishing “lingo.” You need edit and creative? Circs and subs? Hell yeah, I can get that for you. Or at least tell you where to get it.

So once I move out of my bedbug/mice invested apartment and settle in somewhere less hostile to human life—my life will be pretty good. I just have to get through this month. Please God…let me get through this month.


Emily J said...

Thanks for the clarification---I'd rather see pictures of the dress. You better put up pics of everything, because I have no idea what Jennifer Hudson looked like at the Sex and the City Premier. I'm very excited.

I can't wait to come visit you at your new place!

Love you!

Anonymous said...

good luck with everything and yes, do post pics! ;)

Anna said...

I love you Heather!