Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Still Sunny

So, I'm still in Florida. "Well, aren't you supposed to be in New York?" you ask.

Well, yes. Yes, I am.

I don't know whether the events of yesterday morning were a miracle or a nightmare. So I'm deciding they are neither and concisely deciding to NOT overreact to the fact that I am talking ALL of my sick days for the whole year in one week...in February. And my personal ones as well, now that I think about it.

Life is so exciting in the Sunshine State.

The moment I landed in Florida my throat started hurting. By day three I was suffering from a full-blown, kill-me-now...no-really-can't-you-see-I-want-to-die, cold. Fever, headache, all over body aches--you name it--I had it. I've been through almost an entire pallet of tissue (the industrial size from Costco). And cartons of OJ. And my mom has been stuffing so many pills down my throat I have NO idea how many of those I have taken. If I had been in New York I would have been miserable. But the weather here is so nice and being with my family has been so fantastic, I really haven't the inclination to feel like crap. For the most part. I had a few martinis (for $4!!) with a friend I've known for 16 years, I went to see "Confessions of a Shopoholic" with my cousin, we threw a huge birthday party for my sister and I got to see my nephew (from a distance because of my "sickness"), and I've been napping in our hammock. All in all, it's been fantastic. With a little miserable thrown in there for good measure.

Everything was all set for my fun Florida vacation to end on Monday, when, late on Sunday night, I felt a little tingle in my ear. I went to sleep anyway, and woke up the next morning with a full-blown inner-ear infection. Now, I was just going to get on the plane, but my mother suggested we go down to the walk in clinic down the road and get a prescription before I got on the plane so I could get it filled in NY. So we waited...and we waited to see a doctor. Two hours later, he finally takes a look at my ears and two seconds later he is telling me I shouldn't get on the plane because my ear drum could burst. "Do you want a note?" he asks.

"Why, yes," I reply. "Yes, I do."

So now my flight has been rescheduled for Friday and I have another week in Florida. Like I said before, I'm not sure if this is a dream come true or a huge problem. I think I'm going with a dream come true and I'll deal with the other stuff as I go. I gotta run, my nose is running. Time for another tissue.


Emily J said...

1. I have been wondering what's become of you, and now I know. I am so, so sorry that you've been so sick!

2. I don't know if you've come to a decision regarding what you had discussed on your blog before (progressing in your job in NYC or going back to Florida), and I don't want to tell you what to do. But I would think that your relief to *not* go back to NYC yet, as well as the joy you have in being in Florida, may point towards you moving back to the Sunshine State, perhaps, don'tcha think?

Thalasas Nymphe said...

Oh, and I was going to ask you about fashion week. So sad. Or is it? I'm glad you're enjoying Florida, and I hope you get well soon so you can enjoy it even more!

Arianna said...

My poor Heather! Knowing you, you left your charger in NYC and your phone is dead. :) I'll call your house and say hi vicariously through your mother since you probably won't want to talk. Love you!! I hope you get better quickly so you can enjoy your extra Florida days.

Tiffany said...

Heather! I'm so sorry you are sick and I hope you feel better soon. If you have to be sick though it is much nicer to be home surrounded by people who love you.

Red said...

*the biggest internet hug I can give* because anything less is inhuman. Cling to that sunlight, it's probably doing your body a world of good. Man, I hope you feel better by the end of the week. *mwah!*