Thursday, July 2, 2009


I’m employed! And this job is perfection, sweet, marvelous perfection. (Awww! It just thundered! I love afternoon thunderstorms!) My position title is Marketing Coordinator, which is the natural next step after Marketing Assistant (My title at TV Guide). It’s “part-time,” which is great because it’s really flexible. I can also work from home, but even if I wanted to work from the office it’s 10 minutes away from where I live. My boss’ name is Jennifer and she seems really laid back. Everyone wears shorts and flip-flops unless clients are involved and the inside of the “office” is painted a very Floridian and cheery yellow. I’m also getting paid pretty much to same per hour as I was in NY and I’d be doing exactly what I want to do! My primary responsibility would be writing content for several web sites they are promoting as well as planning events. Jennifer also just asked me if I could also work with the Atlanta office on sales, so that should be fun and travel could be involved possibly. And who doesn’t love Atlanta? Peachtree Street!! So that’s my praise report for the day (or week)! Thanks so much for your prayers!

I also wanted to end this post with a photo of some insanely delicious vegan banana/blueberry bread I made last night but sadly my camera is being a butt head. So I'm just going to tell you how awesome it was: It was WAY awesome. I have to boast about this...I'm usually the world's worst cook. I'm going to eat it with my tea for a rainy afternoon snack! I wish I could share...

Love you guys!

*EDIT* My camera is back to normal now! So here is the photo:


Emily J said...

Love you too! That's such great news! I'm really happy for you. :-D :-D :-D

Anonymous said...

Congrats!!! that's awesome!!

Jessica Holmes said...

Hurray! I'm so excited for you! Your job sounds fabulous!

But now for the important details: Do you get vacation time? Are our plans still on? :-D

Red said...

Congrats Heather! I'm so excited for you! Paid the same and no income tax, what isn't to love? *mwah!*

Anna said...
