Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I'm Alive!!

After investigating a few different options, I've decided the easiest way to continue blogging is to keep this blog and just change the name. So life should be easy for you guys. Now I just have to come up with something that isn't cheesy or too long...

I've also decided to make this blog public again since the whole reason I made it private is over now. So hello world. I've missed you.

There really isn't much to update you all on honestly. It's been so relaxing and wonderful being home. Florida is fantastic; I love the storms every night (lighting!!), I love the heat and I LOVE being with my family. So in a nut shell: I am happy.

In other news, I am redecorating my room. As soon as it's done I'm going to post before and after photos. My oldest friend Ann (I've known her since pre-school and both her grandmother and mother taught me in elementary school) came over and helped me re-paint the walls a greyish white. That's all I'm saying right now. The suspense!! I know!!

I also am VERY sun burnt from going to the beach yesterday. Ouch. Next time I'll be better about sun screen, it's really crazy how fast you get burnt here.

On another (and less interesting) front, I'm working out EVERY day (but Sunday...I do Wii fit that day). It's amazing how much better you feel after an hour or so of moving. God really created us to be active! So my schedule goes like this: Monday--Run four miles with mom and Auntie Berts (who is an AWESOME person. She's not really my aunt but a really close friend of moms. She's the one who is into macrobiotics...but more on that later.) Or Spin class. Tuesday: Yoga class and 45 minutes on the elliptical. Wednesday: Spin class. The instructor at 5AM is INSANE. I seriously haven't sweat that much EVER. But if I go to the 8:45AM class instead it's a little more low key. Thursdays: Yoga and elliptical again. Friday: Spin class. Saturday: Long distance run!! The first week I did it I was SO sore, but now I really just feel great. I'm working toward running a half-marathon in October.

I'm also getting into macrobiotics and I think that's helping me with energy too. Pretty much right now I'm only eating whole grains (Barley, quinoa, oats, etc.), lean proteins (tofu, fish, chicken) and tons of fruits and veggies. I've already almost lost 10 pounds! Auntie Berts is showing me the macrobiotic ropes (it's a little complicated sometimes, you have to use things like shoyu and umeboshi, which I had NO clue about).

So that is my update! I know it's not that exciting but I decided when I came home I was in body boot camp, and my parents are being awesome and letting me not have a job while I fix myself. It's going to take a while, but I'm on my way!!

Love you all!


I've decided on a name! Angelina on Stage was my FAVORITE book growing up (I hope you all got to read it) and Angelina is also my great-grandmother's name and my middle name. So there you go! Sorry about the offensive bright pink in the background. I had to do it.


Arianna said...

Heather, I love you so much. You sound like your old self again, and that it wonderful.

I have $14 squirreled away in an envelope labeled "FL Trip Savings." I feel like I'm 5 again saving up for Barbie dolls. It's a start though!!! :)

Miss you so much!

Thalasas Nymphe said...

Aww I love it...I am so happy for you!

I feel like I'm at some sort of rejuvenation spa, too. Nothing to do but exercise and eat healthy food (and try not to get bored). Thank God for family.

Thalasas Nymphe said...

P.S. Aside from your current blissful unemployment, what's the job sitch?

Anonymous said...

wow sounds like fun! are you a member of a gym or something?