Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Mystery of the Missing Minds

So, things are exciting around the Orlando house these days. We’ve got all the building blocks for a good mystery novel: suspense, embezzlement, surprises…with a little bit of insanity mixed in for good measure.

Let’s start with the suspense. Apparently my Dad’s job search is going well. He even had an offer from a company in Nashville, TN. That’s where the suspense comes in: we might have to move. Yes. You heard correctly. The Orlandos might be moving away from Orlando. But we don’t know quite yet, Dad is still looking and it is definitely premature of me to get sad or nostalgic. But even the mention of the word “move” makes me a little upset. But we shall see. Until then, suspense!

Now for the embezzlement. And “embezzlement” sounds way more exciting than this really is…just to warn you. Today I got a check from my employer for almost $600.00. This wouldn’t be a huge problem, except for the fact that my checks have been averaging $150.00 a week. Which I didn’t really think about until I got this huge check and thought it was a mistake. I was going to call payroll and alert them to the problem when my dad suggested we go over all my hours and try and figure out if it really was a mistake. So that’s what we did, and guess what? They haven’t been paying me all my money…they still owe me around $470.00. So this should be interesting.

Next, the surprises: Last week I went to get my metabolism tested. I was fully expecting for science to confirm what I have long believed about my body: it really hates me. I was ready to hear that my metabolism was crap and even if I starved myself I would never reach my ideal weight. Well, I was surprised. Pleasantly surprised, actually. Apparently, I have a crazy fast metabolism. Yes, you heard that right. So why are you a chunky monkey, you ask? Well, I’ll tell you. Apparently, I’m burning around 2,000 calories JUST BY WAKING UP AND BREATHING and I have always believed the less I eat the skinnier I should be. Which is the case for most people—but not me. When I eat less I actually gain weight because my body goes into starvation mode really quickly. So, the lady told me TO EAT MORE TO LOSE WEIGHT. Which was fantastic to hear. In fact, she told me I had to eat 1600 calories A DAY. Which is a ton of food. I’m having to actually work up to it. It’s hard work. Let me tell you what.

Time for the insanity! I am running a half marathon in November! Yes, I’m THAT insane.


Emily J said...

The reason diets don't work is because everyone's body goes into "starvation mode" at some point. And maybe you're the weight you are because your body is supposed to be that way. I know you're going to roll your eyes or say "Oh, Emily," or, "I knew you were going to say that / get upset about this," or just completely ignore me, but I'm serious. You should try reading "Health at Every Size." I mean, it sounds like you've tried everything else, you may as well give it a shot.

She said you have to eat 1600 calories a day? Is there a typo somewhere? Because that's a lot less than what you're burning, if you're burning 2000 calories by simply living.

Not everyone who eats less is skinny. I don't actually eat that much in the course of a day, and I'm certainly not skinny. (I have a sit-down job, of course, but I try to get some exercise each day.) I would just rather see you happy with your body than screwing around with it so much.

heather said...

Thanks for thinking about me, Emily...I really do appreciate it. :) But for me, my concerns over being overweight aren't just a cosmetic thing--it's more a health thing (although I would be lying if I said the cosmetic side wasn't attractive to me too). There are so many diseases that have been unequivocally linked to a larger than average BMI that run in my family: diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, breast and colon cancer, etc. and I'm just concerned that they will be a problem in the future. If I can do SOMETHING to make my risk for these diseases decrease, I want to. Don't worry, I'm happy with my body! (sometimes I'm even a LITTLE vain..hahaah) I just know that I could be healthier and I'm trying to get there...

Emily J said...

The thing is that a lot of studies that "unequivocally" link BMI, weight, etc. with certain diseases are terribly faulty in their logic, in their numbers, and in their interpretation, and how the media covers it.

I am not exaggerating when I say that reading the website junkfoodscience.blogspot.com literally saved me from an eating disorder. Go there and look around, especially at her stuff on obesity myths and such.

Plus, I hate to break it to you, but if something runs in your family, there's very little you can do about it. I'm not saying to be responsible and say, "Oh, well," but just get some balance. Losing a lot of weight is ALSO bad for your heart, and most people gain weight back, and then some...which is even less healthy than not losing it in the first place. That's why most diet/weight loss/etc. studies only last around 6 months, because after that most people gain the weight back.

If you want sources, I have those that can back me up.

But only if you ask for them, because I give up at this point.

Emily J said...

Note: I have a typo in that last comment. When I said "I'm not saying to be responsible," I meant "irresponsible." OK, I'm out.

Thalasas Nymphe said...

That is exciting news. I am also amazed, whenever I start counting calories, at how much food I am actually "allowed" to eat. Of course, I never have much trouble eating it...got to keep my metabolism up. ;)

Jessica Holmes said...

haha I'm kinda dumb and commented on this under the post before this one...oh well.

Red said...

Good thing you caught your missing work hours! Think of it as a end-of-summer bonus :) Please promise me you wont turn into one of those leathery marathon runners with dead toe-nails? You missed a wonderful conversation about exactly this topic this weekend. Wish you had been there, it was EH-pic!