Friday, January 16, 2009

Complete and Utter Excitment

I heard back from the doctor yesterday. Apparently I have high cholesterol and there isn’t anything wrong with my thyroid. The first makes no sense, since I hardly ever eat saturated fat (although I do eat eggs every now and then) and I eat flax seed on a regular basis (which has been proven to lower cholesterol) and the second makes me angry. So why do I have all the symptoms of a thyroid issue, then? Hmmm, Mr. Hot Shot Doctor? So I talked to my mom and as usual this shed light on a perplexing issue. First, high cholesterol (the bad LDL kind) runs in both sides of my family. So it’s a--no matter what I do--I’m screwed situation. Pretty exciting. Next, she said that it’s really easy to miss a thyroid condition in tests. She said I should call him and ask him if there is another way to test for it. Blah. I hate doctors. Even hot ones.

So I know EVERYONE wants to know my weekend plans! Well, here they are:

Tonight, I’m getting sushi and watching a movie then watching something at 10 about how much people get paid in the US (I think that’s the gist of it, I just remember the preview made me curious) and then I’m finishing my book (The Kite Runner, again) and going to bed. I’m so tired.

Tomorrow I’m planning on staying in all day because the high is 9 degrees. Not going out in that. So I bought stuff to make curried tofu wraps for breakfast and I have a tuna steak marinating for dinner. I think I’ll put it over a salad. Yum. Can you tell I’m hungry right now? LOL. Besides cooking and eating, I will start my new book, 1,000 Splendid Suns, write very late thank you notes from Christmas, and catch up on phone calls.

Sunday I have a Pilates class at 11:30. And then I was thinking about getting a coffee in Union Square and catching up on writing my novel. It should be fun times.

Well friends, I hope you have a fantastic weekend! I’ll see you on the other side!


Arianna said...

You sound domestic!! *tear* I'm so proud.

Red said...

I watched that 20/20 episode and immediately felt a kinship with the guy who has a PhD, 100,000+ in loans... and works in a call center. My happy moment though? I make two dollars more than him and I only have a lousy BA. :D What about you Heather, if you could do it all over again, would you "do the Dale" or not? I guess for your major it was a little more important that you actually get a degree. I should've just packed my bags and moved to Mexico to live as a vagrant. ;D Props for actually marinading your food! I haven't gotten that far... I'm just excited I put everything in the skillet and it comes out edible. *MWAH!* miss you!