Monday, December 8, 2008

Heaven, snow and bubble baths.

This weekend it began to snow. And also, I took three bubble baths on Saturday. Those are the highlights of my weekend.

Do you ever feel like your life is just one huge to-do list? I have my personal to-do list (get my credit cards under control, start sending Christmas cards, call a bazillion people, laundry, cooking, etc.) And then I have my work to-do list (finish writing my pharmaceuticals advertorial, finish a few spread sheets, proof read our media kit, etc.) And I always feel like one or the other is hanging over me like a limp, dead…thing…that constantly hangs. Is there ever peace? Is there ever complete contentment? It’s not that I mind having things to do. In fact, I hate being bored and I would much rather be insanely busy than sleep all day (most of the time). I just wish I could turn off my mind when I was trying to rest. I wish I had a peace switch. Turn it on when you want to be productive and switch it off when you just want to…be. Maybe that’s what heaven will be like.

In other news, my sister is coming to visit on Tuesday. She’ll be staying for a few weeks and I’m really excited that we’ll have a chance to talk. She has gone through so much in the past year. It will be great for her to relax a bit. Then Emily is coming on Friday (to see Twilight and All My Sons). The next weekend Katie get here (to go see The New York Ballet’s Nutcracker with Sarah and I). Then my parents get here for Christmas the next week! It’s going to be a very busy month.

By the way, if you could all give me your addresses…that would be fantastic. I want to send you some holiday cheer.

Much love.


Emily J said...

My address is on my FB profile.

I like how you said that Katie is coming to see the Nutcracker AND you, but apparently I'm only coming up to see a play and a movie, and a visit with you is only secondary.

Thalasas Nymphe said...

LOL...Emily, she just wanted my visit to sound as important as yours. So, since you already had two things on your agenda, she had to add another thing to mine.

Also, Heather, you can sratch the parking thing off your personal to-do list. It would just be too much. I'm takin' the bus!

Angy said...

I'm not sure if I count, because I hate you and I'm across the pond, but my address is:

Angy Moore
c/o Wehner
Paul-Münch-Str. 12
67677 Enkenbach-Alsenborn