Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Thanksgiving a little late

Pictures to come!

After reading this story (http://living.health.com/2008/07/10/want-happier-lif-try-being-thankful/) from Healthy Living, I’ve decided to dedicate today’s post to what I’m most thankful for. After careful consideration, here are the top ten:

1) New York City: As much as the congestion, pollution and general nastiness make me want to turn around and run in the opposite direction, there are so many things to love about NYC. Below are some pictures that should help explain:
2) My job: It’s stressful, yes, but it’s also really an amazing opportunity. I’m learning about the publishing world, sales, online marketing, multi-platform marketing programs, as well as media kits, inserts, advertorials and event planning. Honestly, I think with this job on my resume I could go so many different directions. I have options. And I also just got a merit raise today!
3) My family: They are amazingly supportive. Beyond what’s necessary. I love them more than words can say. We’re talking THIS MUCH…
4) My friends: I kind of have girly friend crushes on all of you. And yes, that was supposed to be a little creepy.
a. Ari: You know more about me than anyone else except my mom. We’ve grown together so much (can you believe how much and for how long? 17 years!) and I love that I can always count on you for a shoulder to cry on. Or constantly whine on. You’re my friend soul mate!
b. Erin/Megan: I’m only lesbian for you two. I love our three ways more than I can express. So hot…You guys are my safe place when I’m angry at the world and want to kill EVERYONE (which is often) or when I need someone to pull me back from the brink of bull shit. And yes, Erin, I still do love all things beautiful.
c. Jessica/Tiff: You are two of the most beautiful souls I have ever met. Can you believe it’s been five years since I started living in your dorm room? Time flies. I can always count on you for encouragement, inspiration and a good laugh. We really are the three musketeers. And we really should be on the same continent at some point.
d. Katie: GREEDY KATIE!! You are so…(at the risk of sounding like my grandmother) PRECIOUS! I just love you and you are such a delight. And you are the only one who I can really talk fashion with--a very important job.
e. My other friends who make my life worth living: I really want to write a paragraph for everyone but I’m at work and probably should get back to it soon. So…Tessa, Angie, Red, Jeanne, Alisa, Adrienne, Carmen, Leighton, Cole, Helena, Emily…I am SO thankful for you and I want you to
know that.
(Now that all the obvious things are out of the way…)
5) Cocktails: I am SO thankful for cocktails, especially gin and tonic with lime. I also REALLY like (surprise!) cosmos. At their best cocktails are served at lunch time after a manicure and while wearing a large cocktail ring from nOir.
6) Being single: As much as a family sounds nice in theory, I’m really happy where I am right now with my marital status. I’m sure all that responsibility will come in time. Let’s not hurry it.
7) I like myself: This is something that I’ve struggled with in the past, but I really think that I can honestly say these days, I like myself. I think self-love is the foundation that happiness is built on. If you don’t like yourself, you make all kinds of self-destructive decisions that just make you hate yourself more in the end. Believe me, I’ve been there. And just to clarify—self-love is not selfishness (although it can develop into that). I just think you need a healthy respect and love for your body and your mind. It’s the temple of God after all.
8) Christmas: I love this time of year. And New York is amazing right now (see #1) with the decorations in Bryant Park, Central Park, Fifth Ave, and even my little Williamsburg is getting in on the Yuletide cheer. And the Lord and Taylor window displays are simply lovely. I even decorated my room in honor of the mother of all western holidays. Like my Charlie Brown bachelorette tree?
9) I’m Italian. Need I say more?
10) It’s winter: Although I hate snow more than Hitler and pedophiles, I do like winter in theory. I like wearing coats and mittens. I like hot herbal tea. I like cozying up with a book and a candle and watching the nastiness outside have no affect on me. And I like ice-skating, presents, and holing up in my room with good excuse: three things that come with cooler weather. This in no way makes me happy in the cold…just so you know. I’m just trying to be thankful here.


Arianna said...

I love you! I couldn't live without you. :)

I like your single status too. I love your dating stories. ;-) Although I'm excited for when you get married and we can complain about our lazy husbands together.


Thalasas Nymphe said...

Oh I feel so special :) I love talking fashion with you - and I just love you!

Anonymous said...

Awe Heather I love you! I've been meaning to post on this for a while and tell you that I miss you! :-)